Aloha Community Shed Kalihi Day
AOK Foundation will bring down their Great Big Games so kids can play on them.
Calm Corners
I built some cute quite spaces at sunshine school. It’s a place where a kid can go and calm down if they are having a fussy day. They are up high and have a little window so that the kids can look out at their classmates and come and join the group when they are ready.
Aloha Shed closets
In a fun twist of fate, Aloha shed is making closets for Hui Mahi’ ai Aina homeless community. They have a bunch of left over shipping containers that are the perfect size. They are simply adding in a closet pole and some shelves. Done
Alcohol Locked away
I bought my friends a Christmas gift. But I locked it up real good. Don’t worry I gave them a hack saw.
Wooden Dates
Just important dates on a nice board. It’s actually vinyl stickers as the date not laser engraved.
I have built 3 of these now. It’s a beautiful art piece. I grow lilikoi on mine.