AOK Foundation 501c3
Join a great group of Volunteers
The first thing to do is fill out our Volunteer Form.
One of the reasons we ask you to fill out this form is we keep track of volunteer hours so we can apply for President’s Volunteer Service Awards.
A Big Thank You
We want to thank all our volunteers over the years for all the great work they do. I, for one, love doing volunteer work because I get to hang out with great people.
First Time at an AOK Event?
Don’t worry we got you covered. We are pretty relaxed and fun. We like families. Bring your kids. We love to teach adults/kids how to use power tools. We love good tools and are happy to help you learn how to use them.
Please fill out this Volunteer form.
What makes us unique:
We value volunteers first! - Meaning yes we will get things done for what ever project we are on but the goal is to have volunteers eager and willing to do the next big project.
It’s fun! - as in that’s the point. That’s why we do these things.
Anyone can come their first time. Feel free to bring your friends - we love to meet new people. Fill out the volunteer form please.
No Bad Apples - We are picky about who shows up repeatedly. Meaning we have a very polite way to weed out the bad apples who don’t lift other people up.
Diversity - Yes. People in our organization are all colors and cultures, all sexual preferences all levels of ability. We will find some way for you to help no matter your ability.
Ability - If you know how to swing a hammer let us know! If you know nothing don’t worry about it we will teach you a new skill. If you know things but your back can’t do it anymore, don’t worry you can teach.
There are always new faces. We are not cliquish. We don’t exclude the new guy in fact we want to learn from you.
Good idea to bring:
Close toed shoes
Paint clothes (you can not get paint out of cotton)
Hat (for the sun)
Water Bottle (we will have water available)
Bug Spray
Yes we feed you!
The food is usually pretty good. We believe in treating volunteers like kings and queens so Steak and Lobster are not out of the question.
If the project goes late. We will feed you dinner.
There are usually snacks and fresh fruit throughout the day.
If there is no good water source we bring a 10 gallon cooler full of drinkable water.
It’s a good idea to bring a water bottle for yourself
Special diets. - no one will be offended if you bring your own food (some people do). If we have enough people with the same diet then we cook for that diet. We usually have vegetarian options and kid options if there are enough kids.
BBQ - We like to grill.
Special requests. After you have come 3 or 4 times then yes let us know what you like to eat. We can make it happen.
Yes we love kids. Bring Em. - (unless we specifically say otherwise)
No we don’t provide child care. Instead you can watch your kid learn to use power tools. You will be responsible for your own kids.
If we are at a school or playground then usually the kids work for an hour or two and then end up playing with the other kids.
Our typical Flow of the Day:
Most people show up on time (we usually start at 8am)
We get to work right away. There will be a big list usually taped to my van. Check in with Evan or Alex. Let em know which job you are going to start with and go for it.
Help yourself to the tools in Evan’s van. (see tools below for more info)
Around 11 we will give you a 30 minute warning for lunch. It’s a good time to clean up a bit and put unused tools back.
Around 11:30 we will stop for lunch.
At the end of lunch usually the location we are at wants to say a few words. Sometimes there is a tour.
After lunch we finish up the second half.
At about 2:30 to 3:30 we start telling people to clean up.
We rarely work past 4pm.
After clean up we usually hang out for an hour or two and talk story. Depending on the location we sometimes enjoy grown up beverages.
We trust people. If you say you know how to use a tool safely we will believe you.
If you need a quick lesson on how to use a tool. WE LOVE THIS! Happy to teach anybody how to use a tool.
Yes bring your own tools. It’s a good idea to put your name on them.
Yes you can use the tools in Evan’s van if you know how to use them safely. If you need to find something just get in there and start exploring.
As soon as you are done with a tool put it back so someone else can find it.
If you don’t remember exactly where you got if from just put it on the floor of the van. (way better than putting it in a drawer where no one will ever find it)
Never Been to a Charity/Volunteering event Before?
First off wow you have been missing out. There is a reason people do this.
Many people take time out of their lives to do something nice for others. These are awesome people. This is the reason we do AOK. TO meet awesome people like you!
No! You don’t get paid.
Feel free to get other people’s contact information while you are there. This is a great way to meet people.
We love hanging out at the facilities we fix up. We even camp over some times.
Again if you have not already.
Please fill out this Volunteer form.
“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on this earth.
“Show me where you spend your time, money and energy and I’ll tell you what you value...”
Future Projects:
Not all of these projects are set in stone some of them are just great ideas waiting to take shape