Alex Knight

It is with great pleasure that we introduce Alex Knight, our Youth Advisor for the AOK Foundation. Alex is an incredibly talented individual, at the young age of 12, who has taken on the important role of behind-the-scenes planning and organizing for our foundation.
As our Youth Advisor, Alex makes some of the most critical decisions that shape our foundation's work and future. Her expertise and insights have been instrumental in shaping the direction of our foundation, and we are thrilled to have her on our team.
We firmly believe that Alex's appointment as our Youth Advisor represents an exciting step forward in our commitment to creating a foundation that is not only impactful but also inclusive of young voices. We are confident that with her leadership and contributions, we will continue to make a meaningful difference in our community and beyond.
We look forward to the great things we will achieve together.
Projects Alex has helped plan:
Upcoming - Camp Anuenue
Each year we raise money so we can cook dinner, give away prizes and set up a a huge game night for the kids of Camp Anuenue (A childhood cancer program).
Upcoming - Camp Anuenue
Each year we raise money so we can cook dinner, give away prizes and set up a a huge game night for the kids of Camp Anuenue (A childhood cancer program).
Upcoming - Camp Anuenue July 25th
Each year we raise money so we can cook dinner, give away prizes and set up a a huge game night for the kids of Camp Anuenue (A childhood cancer program).
April 1st: Building/ Paint Tiny Homes with Kalani High School
My first time in a Parade. I built a portable Christmas Tree for powered by a charging station.
Waikiki Community Center Benches, Archway & Cornhole
November 12th 8am
Partnership with Rotary Club of Waikiki
Each year we raise money so we can cook dinner, give away prizes and set up a a huge game night for the kids of Camp Anuenue (A childhood cancer program). This year we had a great events.
We awarded 67 Presidential Service Awards to great people at Camp Anuenue.
Aok Foundation awarded some of its volunteers the “Presidential Service Award”. That’s right! Some of our family have done so much volunteer work that they’re receiving a national award.
In June of 2020 we helped rebuild the Sunshine School tire playground. The first step was to order new lumber. Luckily, Wayne’s Lumber was able to supply us with some great lumber. We ripped out all the old, rotted lumber and moved a few tires around.
We rebuilt a nice, strong frame. Then we decked over it with 2x6s. My favorite part is the bench we built around the outer edge and the nice little stool for the teacher at the top. Min Plastics was also nice enough to donate the acrylic for the see-through floor and the window. We built a whole lot of interesting little ropes and pulleys in the tunnel. It was a great project.
In the middle of 2020 a group of very generous people got together (6 feet apart) and built a train for a preschool they didn’t even have kids in. It was a project of pure love. It took a full month of work on weekends and even a few late nights.