Maze Game
Maze Game DIY
A full size maze game you can stand on to move a marble around to solve the puzzle. Cut out a simple piece of plywood. Build a maze on top of the plywood with 1x2 lumber. Leave 1.25 inches between each wall for a 1 inch ball to roll in Install thick plexiglass on top. (I used ⅛ military grade) Cut two seesaw boards (curved lumber from 2x4s). Screw those seesaw boards onto the bottom in an X. Drill a hole in the plexiglass to start. Have an exit or 2 or 3. I did easy medium and hard. (great for kids of all ages) Install a safety padding (hot water pipe insulation works well) on the outside edges. Kids for some reason shove their toes under while they are waiting in line. Enjoy and have fun. If you make one please send me pictures.