Cement Table
What: A stone table with a compass carved into the top.
Warning weighs 800 pounds
Create a mold
Lay out 1 or more sheets of melamine board to create a flat surface.
Build a wall around the outer edge the width of the table top: 2” is good.
Caulk all the gaps.
Pour a ridiculous amount of cement into the mold.
Add rebar.
Now you have an 800 pound disk sitting on the floor.
I tried to leverage it up for a whole day.
I eventually invited 20 friends over and we all lifted it up onto the table.
It cost me 2 cases of beer.
Carve a compass into the top of it with a grinder.
Coat the whole thing with gray drylok.
Have the same 20 friends come over and adjust table to perfectly point north.
This will take 2 more cases.
What: An 800 pound table that is impervious to weather and gives you an excuse for not one, but two parties.