Shot List

My go to list of what video shots to get to make a short video about charity work

Before we start

Hold the phone in Landscape mode. That’s sideways.

Rule of thirds: Try to focus your main character in about 1/3 of the way from a corner

The Shots

Establishing shots:

Find a sign that shows where the place is in the world

Don’t center on the sign. The sign should be about 1/3 of the shot. Hold the camera still.

Show the project as a whole, where we will actually be working. Hold the camera still.

Walk on shot

Point the camera at the project. Keep the camera still. Have someone walk onto the project with purpose, possibly holding a tool.

If you want to be fancy. Put the camera close to the ground. Point it at the project site. Have someone walk towards the project with purpose.

Walk Up to the project

Start with the project out of frame but something interesting like tools and walk on over to the project.

Unique Shots

Overhead shot:

Use a drone or just get really high up and aim the camera strait down

Ground up shot

Hit record and put the phone on the ground. Let people walk over it carrying tools.

Hero Shot

Using a gimble point at the person or object and make a wide circle around them. Try to capture it from a low angle. Film in slow motion mode if you can.

Pan Shot

Start with the object or person out of the shot and slowly move the camera from left to right.

Group Video - snarky

  1. Just video the group photo

  2. Have everyone sassy seconds before the picture is taken. Count down 3 2 1 and on serious everyone takes a good picture.

Extreme Close up

Hold the camera still and record a tool doing it’s job super close up so you can’t see anything else

Crooked shot

This indicates that something has gone wrong or will go wrong

Kids running in slow motion towards the Camera

get down low at kids chest level. Hold the camera still.

Shot of an old person teaching a young person something

many many of these


Sunshine Geodome


Kalani High School Learning Shack