Kalani High School Wrap Around Deck

AOK is going to build a really big deck!

When: April 5, 26 may 3, 10, 17, June 7. 8am to 4pm (these dates will probably change

Where: Kalani High school, Drive up Kalaniiki St and enter through the back. Parking in back. We are east from the parking lot against the mountain

Who: Open to experience carpenters and anyone who wants to learn

Bring: Close toed shoes, paint cloths, sun block, water bottle

Food: Yep if it’s during lunch we will feed you lunch

Dress: Close toed shoes and clothes you don’t mind getting paint on

The Story:

In the back of Kalani High School there is an old shed about 21 ft by 21 ft, that Bryan Silver built. If it had a big deck and a simple roof then the students could actually use it for classes. We will be adding 640 square feet of decking to the existing structure and the existing deck. This will not be an artistic Job. The goal here is safe, simple and practical. 

Making it easy:

Instead of building 1 big deck we will build 8 small decks about 10ft by 10 ft each and simply attach them to each other. This way different groups can work on different things and we won’t be in each other’s way.

Who came to the last Kalani Project:

  • Kate

  • Ashton

  • +3 Kalani Students

  • Evan

  • Alex K

  • Jenny L

  • Oliver K

  • Mey D

  • Jordan D

  • Jason L

  • Kipp + 2

  • Z

  • Micheal F

  • Colette + Nik

What it looks like right now:

The Plan / Schedule

Prep before:

  • Get the materials delivered

  • Check to make sure we have everything

  • Transport the materials from down below to the job site

  • Weed wack the area so the grass is shorter

Stage 1: Blocks: set the blocks so the deck can sit on the blocks. It will require only a little bit of digging.

  • Remove the old railing

  • Remove the old ramp

  • 13 16x16x6 inch blocks

  • 59 7x7x4 inch blocks

  • Level Them and dig them into the ground if they are to high. Most can just be placed on the ground and they are good

Stage 2: Deck: Build the deck in 8 different sections about 20 feet away

  • Build a single section example: 96 inches by 114 using 2x8s

    • Cut the 2x8s to size screw / nail gun them together

    • Install Joist hangers for the joists (about 6 joists per section)

    • Square up the section with 2x4s

    • Walk the section over to the right spot

    • Prop up the section to the right hight using 2x4s and the 4x4 post

    • Screw it in to the posts. (The posts will be 12 feet high and go through the deck, that way they hold up the roof as well)

    • Add the joists if not done yet

    • Run 6 inch bolts through the posts 2x8s

    • Install the 5/8 inch plywood

  • Different Sections (joists run south/north every 16 inches) 

    • A 96x114

    • B 96x114

    • C 96x96

    • D 120x96 (we will have to cut around the rock on this one)

    • E 130x96

    • F 120x96

    • G 120x96

    • H 96 x 96 (this one is a triangle)

  • Railing

    • Simple 2x2s attached to 2 2x4s with a 2x4 top in-between each post

Stage 3: Roof

  • Run 2x6’s as beams on the outer edge, bolt them in

  • Run a 18ft 2x12 down the center to divide where 2 roof structures meet) (the roof will pitch in 2 different directions)

  • Build 2x4 frames same as deck but with a 24 inch hang over

    • A 120x114 (runners run south/north every 16 inches) 

    • B 120x114 (runners run south/north every 16 inches) 

    • C 120x96 (runners run south/north every 16 inches) 

    • D 120x96 (runners run East/West every 16 inches) 

    • E 144x96 (runners run East/West every 16 inches) 

    • F 120x120 (runners run East/West every 16 inches) 

    • G 144x96 (runners run East/West every 16 inches) 

    • H 120 x 120 (this one is a triangle) (runners run south/north every 16 inches) 

  • Install plastic roofing on top

Stage 4 - Paint

  • Just spray the whole thing. Quick and easy

This is the way we can do the railing

Material list


Camp Anuenue July 22 2025