Beach Clean up Man vs Machine
What: For weeks students at Kalani high school have been building and inventive new machines to separate plastic from our beaches. AOK Foundation is thrilled to help fund this event. On May 6th we will finally get to test these machines vs a very hardworking and loyal group of volunteers. Join us.
Who: We need people who know how to build things or know a lot about the environment. We ne ed people who can shovel. Shovel well! We need people who care.
When : May 6th 9am.
Where: Waimanalo Beach Park. Look for the big White Van and AOK signs.
We sponsored Kalani High School’s project to build a device that removes plastic from our beaches.
We would like you to put together simple to follow instructions on how to build your device so that others can make their own
What we would like to see
it removes a lot of plastic by weight from the sand
Easy for someone to make based on your plans
Cost of the material to build the device (Cheaper the better)
Easy of someone to use
Environmentally friendly (shouldn’t run on gas)
Partnered With:
Bryan Silver - Kalani High School
Aaron Magee Goal: - Build awareness in communities so they become inspired to preserve the planet’s ecosystems.
Develop a device to help clean the beach.
The goal is to develop a solution to separate sand and plastic from a beach.
Whatever is created will become open source and made available through partner websites.
Criteria award for optimization include:
Low energy impact - No gas powered devices
Easy to clean and maintain (5 min clean, 15 min maintenance)
Cost not to exceed $250 (Some initial funds are available with submission)
Low bio waste to plastic waste ratio, or easily separated.
In determining effectiveness, each team will have a section of beach (TBD) and 45 min to operate their method of collection. Data will be collected on:
The number of pieces (estimate) collected
Average size under 5mm, over 5mm, over 25mm
Amount of biocontainment
Ease of use
Ease of clean
On-site experts available to answer questions from 215-330
On March 28 and 29
April 3 and 4
April 24 and 25
Possible day of collection May 6th Saturday at Beach TBD?
Evan’s Remember to bring list:
the machine
water coolers
2 tables
white tent