Winners Camp May
We are going to Restore Winners Camp. It's a little old and a little beat up. We are going to give it the TLC it needs. What this means is we all get to go camping and build stuff. We will have the entire campgrounds to ourselves and that means BBQ.
What: Winners Camp Restoration #1
When: May 15 and 16 starting at 8am to 4pm on Sunday (the gate will open promptly at 8am)
Where: Winners camp - top of Kamehame Dr.
Who: Evan’s Friends, Please RSVP
What we will be fixing:
Must Do:
Roof repair (paint Henry’s Solar Flex on: Eight 5-Gallon buckets worth)
Ceiling patches (1/2 inch drywall)
4 new screen doors
Silicone caulking around CMT blocks where it has cracked to prevent rust from cracking further
Screens replaced (some of the screens are getting old and tattered)
New fire extinguisher
Divider curtains in the shower
30 inch glass louvers (just a few are broken)
Organize (there is a closet full of things that need to be organized)
Inventory entire camp (how many beds, chairs, blankets, tools)
Inventory paint (what is good, what colors do we have and how much)
Clean out workshop
Cut path up to look out
Test all power, check every outlet, every light (inventory what we need)
Put all cloth items in a storage closet and bug bomb them
Figure out water intake system
Trail signs
The purpose of this weekend
Get 1 building suitable for stay for volunteers
Figure out logistics of the camp (were is good for lunch, how bad are the mosquitos?)
Set up June 5-6 for a Win-Win
People who are coming:
Evan Knight
Alex L
Roy A
Ben C
Rey W
Jomel D
May D
Jordan D
Mark T - Sunday
Jon S - afternoon
Greg P - Sunday
Chuck L - Maybe