Dwarven Hammer

Why: It’s great for smashing things, It’s even better for opening beer bottles. AND IT’S HEAVY.

How to make your own:

  • Take a bunch of hardwood

  • Cut them into 3/4 , 1 ½ , 2 ¼ by  3/4 , 1 ½ , 2 ¼, (have to keep the increments uniform)

  • Cut them all to the same length

  • Glue them (a lot)

  • Put a handle in it (drill out a hole for it, it’s super heavy)

  • Cover that handle with leather or pleather

  • Seal the whole thing with mineral oil and beeswax

  • Put a beer opener on it if you like

What is it: A huge heavy hammer that can smash your enemies and open beer. Great talking point, useful for home intrusion.


Murphy Art Desk


Leather Working Growler Cover