AOK rules

After doing many projects with all sorts of people and organizations, AOK Foundation has found a few rules that make everything go smoothly.

Parents have to watch their own kids

AOK Foundation loves it when kids help. Parents are responsible for their kids the whole time. Kids are expected to work. If your child can maintain focus on a single job for more than an hour we would love to have them join us. If a child distracts other kids from working we may need them to go home early. 

11am  lunch

Volunteers usually aren’t used to working so hard and they get hungry early. We try to serve lunch no later than 11:30am

No Jerks

AOK is safe. It’s ok to mess up. It’s ok to be yourself. It’s ok to break a tool.

We have made it safe by kicking out crappy people

We treat our volunteers like gold. The last thing we want is a toxic person ruining other people’s good time. We have a list of who is no longer welcome at AOK. We have banned people for: Yelling at children who have cancer, Professing a deep love for dictators, Encouraging others to not do cherry work, Promising resources, and then refused to deliver at the last moment. Anyone I haven’t meet is welcome the first time. Please check with me if you are bringing a large group. 

No Coop between organizations

At the end of the day, 1 person needs to have responsibility and control of the project. I have seen too many groups share leadership and it just does not work. Also, if there is something unsafe or toxic…I reserve the right to kick someone off the work site if they are being unsafe or making others feel uncomfortable

Tools back

Obviously, people need their property back at the end of the project

Don’t enroll people into your seminar

Please don’t sell people your favorite seminar or your new MLM that you are in. If you really want to talk to someone about it get their number and talk to them when your not at the project.

No high stakes

We don’t like to do projects where the fate of an entire organization is in our hands. It’s too much stress. We need a project where if we mess up, everything is still ok