Evan’s Core Beliefs
I thought I would write out my Core Beliefs as an interesting experiment. What happens when you just factually write out what you really believe on a personal level, and let people know? I have done my best to list them without references as to why I believe these things. Obviously the “why” comes from a combination of intuition, genetic predisposition, cultural upbringing and life experience.
My Beliefs aren’t for everyone (this is the first belief not a disclaimer)
I am in no way an advocate for any of these beliefs in others. I use them as shortcuts for efficiency and consistency. Both for my own well being and so that others will have a reasonable expectation of me. These beliefs work for me. If someone else has the exact same belief system as me I would consider that to be a coincidence, not something that is praiseworthy.
People Change… Slowly
I reserve the right to change my core beliefs over time. I feel that as we get older it’s natural to change, even fundamentally change our core beliefs over long periods of time. Some people change their beliefs due to dramatic events, but oftentimes, when I really look into it, people were building up to a change in their beliefs anyways.
My Anchors
Good will
I endeavor to have a healthy mix of both kind (physically good) and nice (verbally good to others). I’ve heard of others using honesty or respect as an anchor but I choose not to because those can be done maliciously.
I don’t get too wild but don’t pass on a good time (this is very subjective, e.g. beer yes, cocaine no)
I endeavor to do the things I care about well (work, fatherhood, marriage)
I actively make sure I have the physical, mental and emotional energy to do the things I said I would and that I would like to do.
Individual Philosophies
Steven Covey's idea of win win. I believe every interaction should benefit both parties the way they want and are expecting to be benefited. I’ve seen a lot of people abuse this by asking for a horrific loss on someone else’s part in the name of win-win.
Toxic People Suck
I systematically cut toxic people out of my life. I define toxic people as people that bring other people down physically, mentally or emotionally. If they are toxic to me or people I love, I ghost them.
Scientific Method
I believe strongly in the scientific method, especially for personal issues. I also believe in the peer review system. If one person tells you something crazy they are nuts. If 100 people tell you it, you are nuts. I have no problem doing the exact opposite of a good idea just so I can test out something different.
I love a good joke. The more well thought-out, the better.
There is a type of humor that is just aggressive. There is no actual wit or joke, it's just being intimidating and/or gross to elicit a laugh out of someone. Normally, this is a group bonding exercise involving bringing someone else down. Chimpanzees do this to each other as a sign of dominance. In my opinion it’s not cool in human society.
Nature of the Universe
I firmly believe human beings are all evolved primates, no better or worse than other apes. The only reason I care more about humans than animals is I am rooting for the home team. I care about the environment insomuch as it affects humans (which is a lot). I believe we are an accident of physics. The universe does not really care that this one little planet has life on it.
Logical Fallacies
I believe we are evolved primates, whose evolution does not necessarily make us logical creatures. I am actively always on the lookout to see if I am breaking one of these rules: Anecdotal Evidence, Straw Man, Gambler's fallacy, etc.
I don’t set goals as a rule. I find them counterproductive. Instead, I set life directions. It’s a little like planning on making dinner. My goal might be to cook a steak, but in the cupboard if I find some beautiful pasta and some tomato sauce and cheese, I’m just going to make spaghetti and move on to the next thing.
People Gonna People
I get that not everyone will have the same beliefs as me. I can abide a fundamental disagreement in a few core beliefs but not a total departure. I have found it more effective to just ghost people like this rather than point out the difference in thinking.
I believe in the nuance of conversation. I do not take people at their literal word. Instead, I find it very worthwhile to find out where an individual is coming from and understand the way they use language. Example: “Can I see your hammer” never means they want a look at your hammer. Also in this very page, don’t get hung up on one or two words. It was probably a typo. Try to grasp the nuance of this belief system.
I believe that if we take any concept to its logical extreme, it becomes ridiculous and harmful. For example, “Love Everyone”. I can think of some people who should be executed, no love needed.
Culture (not race) can be Harmful
Obviously my culture is harmful, we have polluted the earth and completely disregarded others’ ways of being. It’s myopic. That being said, I have found our global civilization (that is my culture) is incredibly adaptable and welcoming when compared to other cultures on this planet.
Things I don’t believe in anymore
Again, nothing wrong with believing in any of these. I just don’t think they have a function beyond being in a positive frame of mind.
I don’t believe in any form of God, Magical Powers, Ghosts, ESP.
Giver’s Gain
I don’t believe the universe conspires to help good people in any way. I have tested this.
To think is to create
I don’t believe in “The Secret”. The Universe does not conspire to get you something if you think about it in a positive way.
White Light
I don’t believe that human beings have the ability to heal or even influence other people by thought alone.
Affirmation Statements
I am not a fan of affirmation statements. It’s cognitive dissonance, abused.